

About me

Hailing from Malta - the tiny, sunny island right in the middle of the Mediterranean - I am a mechanical engineer with over 30 years’ experience in the field, having worked in various sectors of the manufacturing and servicing industries.

Since as early as I can remember, I have nurtured a passion for anything technical or artistic. From an early age, the first thing I would do after receiving a toy gift for example would be to start to inspect the way it had been packaged and wrapped. I would then slowly unwrap and carefully remove each component from the box, beginning to study the way the toy itself had been built. The wrapping papers, packaging, the box, used to all then be given a new use, combined with other bits and pieces I had collected from here and there.

In school, I used to struggle to concentrate on just one topic at a time. My science books were decorated page by page with artistic doodles whilst my English literature books were covered in numbers and algebraic symbols and were easily mistaken for my mathematics workbook! School holidays and weekends would invariably mean projects around the house. From paper crafts to woodworking, pencil drawings to computer programming (it was that golden age of the 80's where having a PC with 64k memory used to be considered a luxury), there was always something going on.

At the beach, I would always be on the hunt for seashells, pebbles and small living creatures, cultivating my own little sea world inside a bucket :) At the end of the outing, the living creatures would continue to live free and were never harmed but the best looking pebbles and seashells would make it home to join the ever growing collection... The love for nature and animals is something which indeed goes back to my childhood.

Whilst studying Engineering at university was challenging and rewarding, it was harder to embark on my own adventures, yet I still took time out to tackle the occasional project or activity. It was during these years that I also started experimenting with music and towards the end of the course joined the choir at St. John's Co-Cathedral in Valletta.

Nowadays, whilst I must work full time to earn a living, I somehow still manage to strike a balance between obligation and relaxation. Be it visual arts, gadgets, movies, history or cuisine, if it gets me thinking or stimulates my senses it does the trick for me.

This is what this website is about: a collection of experiences that have sparked ideas, developed thoughts and provided satisfaction over the years!